Yaşamkent mah. 3061.Cadde No:38 Çankaya Ankara TÜRKİYE dateks@dateks.com
Life Sciences

The study of life sciences opens the door to endless discoveries and opportunities. You can help unravel the mysteries of life and gain practical skills in healthcare, research, conservation and biotechnology. Or you can pursue your passion for understanding life and make a positive impact on the world through this exciting career path.

The study of life sciences involves the study of living organisms and their functioning, from cells to ecosystems. It involves various disciplines such as biology, genetics, ecology and physiology to help us understand evolution and the interactions between organisms and their environment.

Life sciences have practical applications in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. They help to improve human health, understand nature and conserve biodiversity.

Life sciences are the various scientific disciplines that study living organisms and their interactions with the environment.

Plastic Consumables


Cell Culture Psychics

DNA RNA Isolation Kits

Cell Lines and Microorganisms

Cell Lines
